I took turmeric tablets for a week

Hey guys so this weeks post isn’t what I’d usually post, so I’m just gonna say that if you aren’t into like reading about stomachs and stuff then don’t read this post!

Okay so I’ve been hearing a lot about turmeric tablets for the last couple of weeks, turmeric is meant to help with stomach issues and liver and basically everything? so I decided I’d test them out, I got these from Holland and Barrett for 6.99 for 100 tablets, so not really a bad price considering. I wouldn’t say I have an actual medical stomach problem but my stomach is definitely more sensitive compared to a normal stomach, so I do feel like I have to be careful about what I eat and drink I was kind of shocked when I opened the bottle up, they literally just looked like someone had gotten a turmeric jar from a spice rack and put them into capsules. So the bottle says to take them twice a day and not to exceed that at all, I started taking them on the Monday and actually by Tuesday I noticed a difference, I think.

So I’m not sure if it was placebo or not but it seemed like my stomach was making more noises then usual, I normally have no noises coming from my stomach so this kind of worried me? But it literally stopped after Tuesday lunch so I’m not sure how to feel about that. so on Tuesday night I went out and normally when I drink after having a big meal, which I do before drinking anyway, the combination makes me really burpy but that literally didn’t happen this whole night. Personally that makes me really happy because I have a real fear of sick so I didn’t feel like that was going to be an issueI think the turmeric tablets even helped me for the next day, normally I have to be super careful about what I eat after I’ve been drinking because of how sensitive my stomach is, but by Wednesday evening my stomach felt completely fine like I hadn’t been drinking and I actually craved milk, which is something I usually avoid completely after drinking.

So towards the end of the turmeric I actually got ill and had been taking ibuprofen more than usual just to help me sleep through the illness, and I definitely realised that the turmeric tablets didn’t really mix well with the ibuprofen, which is super annoying because i don’t want to have to sit being in pain because of other tablets I’m taking.

so I actually went to the doctors and they told me I have a acute chest infection, and gave me antibiotics, I definitely don’t think these mixed well with the turmeric tablets and actually felt like the turmeric tablets stopped working after the antibiotics got into my system.

I actually did a poll on my Instagram story to see what other people thought about turmeric tablets and the results were around about 50\50, so I think the public opinion is that yeah turmeric is great but taking tablets of them is way too much effort.

My final thoughts are that these are actually great if you, like me have a sensitive stomach, because they definitely helped me control that. But if you’re on antibiotics or even ibuprofen they kind of lose their edge, which is definitely not great.

If you drink a lot, like any student, I’d say try these as well because they made a difference to my feeling while drunk and hungover! If you do try these tablets let me know in the comments below how you find them!

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